MASS TIMES and Other Celebrations
Sunday Mass Times and Vigil
Saturday Evening Vigil Mass – 5.00 pm
Sunday Mass – 11.15 am
Mass is celebrated at 9.30am each morning. On mornings that Mass is
not celebrated, Morning Prayer is celebrated.
Other Celebrations
St Padre Pio Venerations: The Franciscan Friars of the Renewal lead
venerations and prayers in honour of St Padre Pio on the Third
Wednesday of each month at 7.30 pm
Beginning in January 2015, The Franciscan Friars of the Renewal will
lead an Holy Hour from 3pm to 4pm on the first Saturday on the
Baptisms are celebrated on Saturdays by arrangement, at 4pm
Sacrament of Reconciliation (Confession) Services of Reconciliation
are organised a number of times during the year and individual
confession is available on request at any time, especially before the
celebration of Mass.
Novena to Our Lady of Perpetual Help. Each June in partnership the
Redemptorist Fathers, the Parish organises an nine day Novena to our
Lady of Perpetual Help. Dates are announced well in advance each